Tayler got an early birthday present. She's been wanting her ears pierced for a long time, but I was making her wait until she turned 10 yrs. old. We were only a week early and she was thrilled because we did it Saturday when we were at WalMart and decided to just do it! :]
She also decided to start shaving her legs, which I make my girls wait until they are at least 10 yrs. old. Hailey showed Tayler how it was done. It was very sweet hearing them talking and laughing in the bathroom as they both shaved their legs! What good girls! :]
How cute. I can't believe they're old enough to be doing all that stuff. How fun!
Hey! I started a running blog and there is a race I am wondering if you might be interested in. Go to my blog, then the running blog that is in the top right corner and then visit the link in the post. It will probably be hard but it will give you bragging rights and I need PEOPLE!
She looks so grown up! How old will she be? I put together a little b-day invite (I used that top pictue because I thought it was so cute!), but I wasn't sure what you wanted it to say. If you give me your e-mail address I can send it to you for you to see if something like that might work. Let me know- my e-mail is lydstew@gmail.com.
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