Looks Like We're Moving!

We found a beautiful house and they accepted our offer! It's only a few blocks from where we live now!! :] The kids will still go to the same school and be near their friends. They are very happy about that!

Our buyers want to be in our house before Thanksgiving! If everything goes through quickly (inspections, appraisal, etc.) we could be moving over Thanksgiving weekend! Realistically, I'm thinking that it'll most likely be the first week of December. But that means we could be moving in 2-3 weeks if everything goes through without any problems. CRAZY! I'll keep you posted and ask that people email me so I can send you our new address. :]

I'll post pictures of the house after we sign on the dotted line and we get keys in hand! :] We feel really good about it and we are SO excited! I can't wait to show you what it looks like!


Emily said...

Yeah! I am so excited for you guys, even though you won't be in our ward, we'll probbably live closer than before!!!

Jodi Gallagher said...

Hooray! That is so exiting! Congrats. I can't wait to see the new house! Good luck with everything!

Jill said...

How fun for you and the family!!! We moved in on Christmas Eve. The kids still remember just having mattresses on the ground and no decorations to speak of but a fantastic new house for a gift! Love Ya!

Greg Hanson said...

very exciting for you. good luck on the new home!

Lyd Stew said...

How exciting! I sure hope the move goes well! Wish I was around to help! You have some cute kids that I bet will be good helpers though. :)

Kirstin said...

I am so excited for you guys and excited to see the place.... I heard where, just don't know which exact house you got! I am sad for you to be moving out of the ward though:( By the way... do not worry, we did buy little kid helmets.... just didn't have them on the kids while posing for the 4-wheeler pics!

Chad and Tina said...

Is it still in our ward??????? How was student teaching?